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A fever is when your body temperature rises higher than the normal 37.5 C. You might feel lightheaded, and your forehead may even feel hot and sweaty. A fever is a sign that your body is fighting an infection. A mild fever may accompany a cold, whilst a high fever usually comes with the flu or a more serious infection.

What are the symptoms of a fever

Symptoms that could accompany your fever include:

  • A high temperature

  • Sweating

  • Shivering

  • Thirst

  • Hot skin

  • Fast breathing

When should you see a doctor?

  • If your fever gets worse or lasts more than 3 days

  • If you develop any new symptoms

  • If your temperature doesn’t come down and other symptoms do not improve with medication or painkillers

  • If you are shivering and shaking involuntarily, or your teeth are chattering.

  • If you are hot, but not sweating.

  • If you have unusual symptoms such as hallucinations, vomiting, skin rash, rapid heart rate, chills, stiff neck or muscle spasms or you feel confused and drowsy.

  • If you have recently travelled overseas.

What are the causes of a fever

A fever itself is not considered to be an illness but rather a symptom that your body’s defences are fighting off an infection. It is part of the process of how your body kills germs. A slight rise in temperature can be a good sign as it means that your body is fighting the infection for you, although it should of course be monitored closely. As such a cold or flu can bring on a fever.

Other causes include;

  • Teething in children

  • Earache

  • Headache

  • Other viral and bacterial infections

How to relieve a fever

A fever cannot be cured, however you can seek relief from the discomfort.

If a fever is mild and you have no other symptoms, drink plenty of fluids and rest up. However, If the fever is making you feel unwell, and you have a cold or flu, reach for some CODRAL®, as the paracetamol included in a range of CODRAL® products will help to reduce your fever.

Remember, it is important to drink plenty of fluids as your body is working hard to cure itself by fighting off the infection.

Here are some simple steps to help you keep the fever under control.

  • Air the room.

  • A sponge bath or lukewarm bath will cool off the fever. Avoid immersing someone in cold/ice water. Alcohol rubs don’t help.

  • Drink water, water and more water.

When trying to reduce the temperature of a fever that comes with a cold or flu, CODRAL® treatments can offer relief. These include: